Greek coffee (Part 2)

The beginning of the article in the newspaper № 5, 2016 

Greek coffee is a favorite beverage of the Greeks. Without a doubt, out of all kinds of coffee the Greek coffee was and remains very popular. The second position can take Frapa, a cold coffee. All kinds of newly common foreign coffees follow further: espresso, cappuchino, Freddie, etc. If in Russia or England the americano coffee is popular, here in Greece such a drink not occur.

The secret of a delicious Greek coffee lays in a slow heating: the unhurried process allows the coffee to allocate all of its flavors. You will appreciate the taste of coffee only after its proper preparation. Sometimes unscrupulous cafeterias brewed the Greek coffee using the coffee machine. The outcome is not a coffee but an imitation of it. The Greeks called dismissively such a coffee “μαυροζούμι, i.e. “black rum” with a negative connotation.

How to order a Greek coffee at a café?

Phrases that you may need:

  • Εναν ελληνικό, παρακαλώ [Enan ellinikO, parakalO] – A Greek coffee, please.
  • Εναν ελληνικό μέτριο (σκέτο, γλυκό, με ολίγη ζάχαρη), παρακαλώ [Enan ellinikO mEtrio (skEto, glykO, me olIge zAkhare), parakalO] – A medium (black, sweet, slightly sweet) Greek coffee, please.
  • Δύο (τρείς, τέσσερις) ελληνικούς μέτριους (σκέτους, γλυκούς, με ολίγη ζάχαρη) [DYо (trIs, tEsseris) ellinikUs мEtrius (skEtus, glykUs, мe оlIgi zАkhari)] — two (three, four) medium (black, sweet, slightly sweet) Greek coffee.

Of course, there can be a lot of options, but, at the end, do not forget to say after coffee:

  • Ευχαριστώ πολύ, ωραίος καφές![efkharistO polI, оrEоs cаs!] – Thank you very much, a perfect coffee!

Finally. Greek coffee: recipe and preparation.

  • Take a cezve and pour cold water into it, depending on portions (you want to serve: two, three).
  • You fill the cezve with coffee: 1 heaped teaspoon per cup. Add sugar to you taste.
  • Then put your cezve on a small or low heat while stirring coffee well that there are no clots, and keep the fire until the foam will begin to rise. Be careful, that all not to come to a boil otherwise the foam will not be!
  • If you make coffee for several cups, spill it in each cup a little so that each got a part of foam, and then already pour the remaining coffee to all. Sometimes, at traditional Greek cafes, the coffee is served in a cezve, and the client pours it himself into the cup.
  • Never add milk! Some ones take it, but they are very few.

From an article by Elena Meteleva