In Greece Crete has set a new European heat record

This summer, a new European temperature record was set on July 2: it was recorded 45.9 degrees Celsius by a weather station in the Mires area near the city of Heraklion on Crete.

For more than a week there was a 40-degree heat in the country. According to the weather forecasters, it was on July 2 that the temperatures rose above 44 degrees at 4 observation stations, and 25 stations recorded above 42 degrees. In the metropolitan region of Attica the highest temperature was in the area of Psychiko – 43.4 degrees.

In the capital, the Athens municipality opened nine air-conditioned rooms where people could wait out the heat. The premises were intended primarily for poorly protected groups of the population.

The Hellenic Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (KEELPNO) issued recommendations on how to behave in such a hot weather: avoid the sun, try to stay in the shade and a cooled room, drink plenty water, do not overeat, wear light clothing, and avoid heavy physical labor in the sun.

However, these recommendations are relevant throughout the season.

August 2018