Early spring on Crete

Impressions from your recreation during the low season are largely dependent on the weather conditions. Of course, they are far from ideal in March but are generally good when compared to Russian frosts and heavy rains.

Early March is a so-called transition period when the winter, anticipating its inevitable outcome, finally activates all power. As a result, the warm dry days or hours are sometimes replaced by the damp and cold ones, and a huge swing in temperatures depends on the sun or clouds covering the sky.

Those seeking the pristine nature will like the island in early spring. Being elegant dressed up by moisture-saturated soil, Crete acquires fresh and vivid paints in its color palette. After dreary Russian landscapes one needs time to get used to such grandeur: areas of wild grasses, meadows covered with flowers and splendid mimosas in front gardens. Imagine, what bewitching scents are in the air!

In the first decade of March, the air is heated primarily to 17°-18°С, while close to April, when the sun is already very noticeable hot, the temperatures reach 19°-20°С. Storms and other unpleasant phenomena do not darken the mood of tourists. Certainly soak up the sun on the beach will not pan out. The only thing, which can bring some discomfort, is the rain. Fortunately, the rain is not intense: there are about 7 wet days, so you do not have to sit in the hotel. Chilly evenings create a clear contrast to moderately warm days: after it gets dark, environment cools down to 11° or  10°С.

We recommend that you focus on the multilayer clothing by selecting appropriate things for the journey. You will have not much to gain from a lot of t-shirts and jackets with short sleeves, because the winds in most cases prevent the desire to take off clothes even at relatively high temperatures.

Relatively warm weather favours an intense interest in exploring the surrounding. By renting a car, this can be done without assistance or in a group with a guide. Visit Samaria, one of the best reserves in Europe, lake Kournas, which is surrounded on all sides by beautiful hills, and Dikti cave, decorated with colorful stalagmites and stalactites, where, according to ancient legend, Zeus was born. We recommend you to travel off the beaten path and to take a drive through cozy little villages to feel the true spirit of Crete: each of them has its own uniqueness. You will receive completely different experiences, sounds and feel smells which are almost impossible to catch elsewhere in the lively atmosphere of the summer. So after this trip, your impressions promise to be unforgettable.

To find authentic Cretan traditions, you need visit such villages as Krusta and Kritsa, which have special features of the local culture and the same lifestyle as in previous centuries. But since they are located high in the mountains, you should go there if there are no fog. Those seeking religious shrines, we suggest them for including in their itineraries Akrotiri peninsula which is distinguished by numerous monasteries.

In Crete, the first day of spring is Protomartos (the 1st March) holiday which traces its deep historical roots back to the distant past. A preserved until today tradition of it is to tie red and white strings around the neck or wrist against the evil eye. In some years, it was followed by a carnival week in March.

On March 25, the islanders celebrate Greek Independence Day, an impetus for the attainment of that was the rebellion of 1821 against Turkish occupation. The main celebrations take place in Heraklion: among them is a commemorative military parade, which attracts thousands of people on the island.

Cool weather is a major factor limiting purchase of travel arrangements for this area. A positive factor will be the lowest prices on airfare and lodging. The choice is yours.

February, 2017