Superproduct: Greek Yoghurt

The yogurt has always been an essential part of the Greek diet.

Traditional Greek yogurt is made from cow or sheep’s milk and contains valuable bacteria that have a positive effect on the entire digestive system. These bacteria also have anti-cancer properties. Greek yogurt contains all the nutrients of milk. That’s why this is certainly a universal superproduct, which is loved all over the world!

What is the difference between the Greek yogurt and an ordinary one?

The Greek yogurt is denser than an ordinary, because it is filtered through special fabric filters. The serum, a watery component remaining after coagulation of the milk, is removed during this filtration, and this gives the Greek yogurt a more dense consistency. Therefore in Greece it is called στραγγιστό γιαούρτι, which means strained yogurt.

Preserving the typical aroma for yogurt, it has a very pleasant taste, is not sour, as we are accustomed, using an ordinary yogurt, but on the contrary, resembling fatty cream or sour cream, but at the same time it’s low fat – only up to 10%. Filtered yogurt also contains more protein, and less sugar and carbohydrates. Therefore, the Greek yogurt, which provides more protein than an ordinary one, is an excellent source of protein. It’s essentially a superproduct.

Doctors consider it a product of longevity and recommend consuming up to 3 servings every day.

The Greek yogurt can be consumed in the treatment to obese and aiming weight loss, as its caloric content is at a low enough level. In addition, it does not have sugar and improves metabolism. It has such an ability to stabilize the level of sugar, so it is recommended to use in diabetes mellitus. This product is also useful, if there are problems with the cardiovascular system. The Greek yoghurt contains a lot of calcium, almost 10% of the daily norm. Its joint action with probiotics increases the protective functions of the body and also helps to cope with inflammation of the intestine. The Greek yogurt reduces the risk of osteoporosis and supports weakening muscles. Due to the presence of living bacteria, the digestion process is normalized; it helps to digest other food better.

The Greek yogurt belongs to the class of natural fermented milk products obtained from bacterial fermentation of milk. It is a rich source not only of protein, but also of many microelements: calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and zinc, as well as vitamins B, A, and C.

For its wonderful properties, the filtered Greek yogurt deservedly has the highest reputation in the world market, overshadowing many other brands of fermented milk products. Its fame is also expanding due to the popularization of the Mediterranean or Cretan diet throughout the world, where, of course, this product has one of the leading roles.

The consumers and famous cooks prefer the Greek yogurt for cooking low-calorie dishes, replacing with them usual creams and sour cream containing much more fat. At the same time, the taste of the dishes does not deteriorate; on the contrary, it acquires also a special piquancy. It has another property of a great value – it is not gone sour under the influence of high temperature and retains its creamy structure.

In Greece, they cook out desserts and ice cream of yoghurt and add it to many sauces. Local residents start their day with the yogurt in combination with honey, nuts, fruits and other useful additives: various cereals, jams, and syrups. Many dishes of Greek cuisine can not be cooked without this wonderful product, let alone the tzatziki: it is prepared only on the basis of filtered yogurt from sheep or goat’s milk. The better and more aromatic the yogurt is, the more delicious your dish will be. The tzatziki, also tsatsiki, tzattsiki (tzατζίκι [dza’dziki]) is a cold sauce – a snack of yogurt, fresh cucumber and garlic, a traditional dish of the Greek cuisine. The tzatziki is usually an integral part of a meze (light snacks) and is used as a sauce for bread or vegetables. It is also often served with meat dishes, such as gyros or souvlaki, or fried fish. For more information about tzatziki read in our next issue.

When choosing a Greek yogurt, first of all pay attention to the composition of the product. It should not contain any preservatives, thickeners, etc. It is best to buy a non-fat option, not more than 4% fat content. Be sure to look at the expiration date, if the product shelf life is more than a month, then you can be sure that its composition includes preservatives.

It’s recommended to include Greek yogurt in your diet as an excellent option for breakfast along with cereal or fruit. There is nothing better than a Greek yogurt with honey and walnuts.