Was it a UFO over Rethymnon? A stunning picture of a natural phenomenon

A stunning picture of a natural phenomenon captured lens of the photographer Yiannis Gikas.

This extraordinarily UFO-like cloud hung over Rethymnon. The photo was published by the journal “Meteocretes” (http://www.meteocrete.gr).

According to information of the portal Cretapost, such a stepped cloud is formed at a high altitude when it lays perpendicular to the direction of the wind.

Certainly, similar clouds, very reminiscent of UFOs, were visible in the past exactly around Rethymnon.

Some people think that such amazing clouds look like a stack of pancakes, but most people think that they are similar to “flying aliens”. These clouds are thicker, colder than the surrounding air, so if the air temperature does not change, they simply hang in place and do not move for a long time. Most often, such meteorological phenomena are observed at the tops of the mountains. If you live in a flat terrain, it is possible that you will never see incredible clouds like “UFOs”. They are called lenticular clouds, and some people call them lentil-like clouds. Photographers like picturing them, and we are thankful for their work.

February 2018